SIM cards for Germany while on a FKK Club Tour
By far the best SIM deal is from a Canadian Company called Knowroaming. They offer a solution for everyone. Apple, Android, single SIM or double SIM.
Should you already have a phone with only one SIM card check out the SIM sticker (Does not work for Sprint phones). It’s what the name refers to it’s a sticker which can be applied to an existing SIM card which is then installed on your single SIM phone. You download the app and can use a credit card for a second phone number. However the biggest benefit besides the $7.99 Unlimited data is the fact it offers FREE Worldwide What’sapp service.
Knowroaming Global SIM card $9.99
Knowroaming Global SIM sticker (No need for Dual SIM phone this sticker can be applied to any SIM) $29.99
Knowroaming Global SIM sticker replacement $14.99
Both above SIM options give you (2) new numbers, a UK number and US number
Free Whatsapp roaming with the above options, make sure you have basic credit on your account for this to work
Videos on Knowroaming
KnowRoaming: Introduction
Unlimited FREE WhatsApp DATA and Roaming!
KnowRoaming Sticker Application
Internet WITHOUT Mobile DATA Available for FREE! Android iPhone Simple Easy Quick!