Day/Hourly trip questions:
What cities do you operate out of?
Which destinations will we visit?
Why do I have to pay a deposit?

6 and 8 Day Group trip questions:
When is your next trip date?
What airport or city is best to fly to?
What hotels do you recommend?
Can you please help me find a discount airfare?
How long does it take to fly to Germany from the US?
What does your service include in the package price?
How many guests attend these trips?
What are the BENEFITS of having a guide?
Can I contact the guide in Europe BEFORE I book a trip?
What kind of guys go on these trips?
How many clubs per day?
What’s an average day like on a destination trip?
How much money will this all cost?

When is your next trip date? See all the future Group trip dates on this PAGE?

Time left until the next 6 and 8 Day Group trip

Why do I have to pay a deposit?
We require a Fifty US dollar deposit (in advance) for all-Day Hourly trips. This ensures you’re serious about showing up. Unfortunately, some people request a guide at a specific time and date and don’t show up; thus a deposit is mandatory. We’ll need a deposit BEFORE we help in planning your visit. We’re not a free service; if you need information and don’t intend to use our service, please search the internet for help or answers. Deposits keep our costs down by reducing “NO SHOWS”.
PLEASE don’t send a request for a guide WITHOUT an advance deposit.

What destination will we visit on an Hourly trip?
You have the option of selecting the destination you wish to visit or allowing us to pick for you. Part of the benefit of having a guide is his expertise in knowing what destination and which girls are best. We ONLY give this specific info to persons who are actually booked on an FKK Travel with a paid deposit. Depending on the area you select, and the destinations already mentioned above give you have an idea of where you might end up. Due to security reasons, we’re unable to email any destination info to persons not yet booked on a destination trip.

In what cities do the “Hourly Guides” take place?
There are basically 3 areas with the best destinations. Thus, these are the only areas where “Hourly Guides” are available.
Koln (Cologne)
Frankfurt am Main

You’ll have to find transportation from your location to the main train station (Haupt Bahnhof) of the three cities above if you’re interested in an “Hourly trip”. Germany has a great rail system, ICE or Inter City Express (High-Speed Trains), which travels up to 200km per hour and can transport you from Munich to Frankfurt in only 1.5 hours. Sorry, but there are no services available in Augsburg, Hannover, Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg or Berlin. This is because these areas are not well known for an abundance of quality destinations or service. You can search for more info on the cities without guides using our links, or search by the city you’re in HERE

One price in US Dollars handles all your transportation, guide, fuel and lodging.
Go with those that KNOW the best destinations and how to get there fast.
24 Hour Guides and Translators there to help.
Everything explained in simple English, as well as Tips and suggestions.
Going with guys who enjoy the same destinations; make new friends.
They know the providers and what they offer.
Airport Pick Up; just fly to Frankfurt, Germany.
Never get lost or worry about navigation or driving.


What cities do you operate out of?>
Our Group trips operate out of Frankfurt am Main Germany (FRA Airport code). This means your group trip will start and end in Frankfurt. We offer one club or Hourly trips out of Frankfurt, Duesseldorf, Cologne, Bonn, Koblenz. Please contact us if the city you’re in is within 100km of the cities listed above. We may still be able to help. One club or Hourly trips can start at the city airport listed and end at your hotel or airport. Please contact us for more details and include your possible plans.

What airport or city is best to fly to?
1. Frankfurt International airport (FRA) is one of Europe’s biggest international airports and offers by far the most flights. (We recommend Frankfurt FRA)
2. Düsseldorf International airport (DUS), although not popular, is a good alternative. BENEFIT #3: Your guide will pick you up at the airport, so there is no need to pay expensive taxi fares to the hotel. All our Group trips start and end at FRA, Frankfurt International Airport.
Frankfurt/Hahn airport IS NOT Frankfurt City, it is a made up name by Ryanair to use an old airbase which is now a small airport about 2 hours from Frankfurt Am Main or FRA airport. If you use this airport, you will need to find transportation to and from FRA airport, where you will be dropped. There IS No train service from the Hahn airport

What hotels do you recommend?
For security reasons, we do not provide the names of hotels we use until you are actually booked on one of our trips. We suggest that you search for hotel rates and locations. BENEFIT #4: Every day your guide will ensure you have breakfast, take you to the destinations and then return you to the hotel. Some of the hotels we stay at even include a hot breakfast at no extra charge.

Can you help me find a discount airfare?
Try these links:
Start with
Enter your city of departure, use Frankfurt am Main International Airport (FRA) as your destination airport.
We like this link because they’ll provide time of arrival and the best rates.
A good place to start your search and get an idea of what airfares cost.
Low airfares, but does not provide time of arrival.

Change the date of departure and arrival by one or two days. Often, this can make a huge difference in the airfare. Some airlines have lower rates when you fly on weekdays, and some when you include a Saturday night stay. We do offer the ability to extend your trip by 1–2 days after or before you travel, just for this reason (please check in advance for availability of extra days). You also have the option of arriving early or staying an extra day and doing some sightseeing on your own. Airline fares can change in an hour, prices often go down as well as up 60, 30, 14 and 7 days before departure. If you don’t live too far from other major cities, it’s worth checking airfares from other nearby departure cities. Join Travelocity and use FARE WATCHER, list ALL your possible departure airports well in advance of your trip and take note of prices.

How long does it take to fly to Europe from the US?
From the East coast of the US, direct flight times range from 7 to 9 hours .
From the West coast of the US, direct flights times range from 9 to 11 hours.

What does your service include in the package price?
Group trip package price includes:
Hotel, Airport pick up and return*, Transportation to and from the destinations from the
hotel, English and German-speaking guide and driver. Discount entry to some destinations.
The price does not include entry fees or entertainment costs.

Hourly trip price includes:
Airport, Hotel or train station pick up and return, German and English-speaking guide and driver.
Hotel is not included. Extra fuel charges may apply for long-distance travel. MORE DETAILS

How many guys attend these trips?
Minimum 3 persons and maximum 8, on average. BENEFIT #5: Why go alone?  You’ll be ensured of plenty of ENGLISH-speaking company during your trip. Remember, when you’re NOT in the room, it’s nice to have others to spend time with.

How many guides attend a trip, and what’s expected of them?
A minimum of (1) guide will escort the group, but often we supply more Guides who are available 24 hours a day during the trip. They speak both German and English and will provide translation when needed. Guides are well-connected and known at all destinations and streamline entry, explain rules, costs, suggestions and offer tips. Guides also do the driving and are very familiar with the terrain. Their knowledge will be helpful with ATM’s, Banks, Money Exchange, Food and Sightseeing.

An experienced guide and driver allows you to kick back and relax in between destinations, and ensures you get from point A to point B quickly and safely both day and night. Destinations are almost always in remote rural areas and difficult to find. Guides can be very handy should you have a language problem between you and other no English speakers. Guides most often have a wealth of information about the BEST services and what is provided. This ensures you the best time, as our guides frequent all the destinations and pride themselves with up-to-date info.

#6#7#8#9#10#11 #12: They translate, they guide and inform, they look out for you, they have knowledge about the country, knowing the way gets you there FAST and saves you time, there to help you 24 hours, they know the BEST women and can arrange special requests.

What are the BENEFITS of having a guide?
Throughout this page, you’ll find MANY BENEFITS of taking one of our trips. Dollar for dollar, you won’t get more service visiting alone, nor will you have as much fun. Get the most out of your time during your stay, having our guides do the driving and planning for you. Let them figure out what’s the best time and day to visit places. Don’t worry about understanding German, as our guides explain it all in ENGLISH.

Can I contact the guide in Europe BEFORE I book a trip?
We can answer any questions via email (email us and schedule an appointment to telephone).
AFTER you book your trip, we’ll provide a Telephone and Email address for your actual guide in Europe.

Are there different types of trips?
Yes, we offer the following different types of trips:
Hourly trips, which are for one (1) or more persons and are for 6 hours. You can add extra hours or days (in which case, it is called a Custom trip). Hourly trips DO NOT include hotel accommodations. Hourly guides come with a car and fuel (They pick you up from the airport, train station or hotel). You can book an hourly guide HERE, please contact us before booking to check if the date you need a guide is available.
Complete 3, 6 or 8 day Group trips and Private Group trips
(6 or 8 Day trips and Private trips include Hotel accommodations)
6 or 8 Day Group trips take place only during one business week. Check for dates HERE

What kind of people go on these trips?
Since this sort of hobby costs money, the majority of men are over 40. In fact, the average age is actually 45-50, with plenty of men in their 60s attending. It’s not age that everyone has in common, but the fact that we all enjoy traveling. Don’t expect a loud bunch of drinking buddies either; most guys tend to be professionals like Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers and internet folk. You’re guaranteed a bunch of new friends who enjoy traveling. This is yet another benefit of going on a trip, you’ll have plenty of company. In fact, there’s a huge advantage to sharing intel among your new-found friends, figuring out which women are best.

What’s an average day like on a trip?
Wake up and meet for breakfast 9-10am
noon we arrive at our first destination, we offer an additional stop should the majority of group members wish to visit a second destination. We usually head back to the hotel around 12:00 midnight.

The group takes a site seeing route from Frankfurt to the north (1) day and again (1) day going south.

Example of a German Trip
6 day Group trip

Day 1 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 2 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 3 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 4 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 5 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 6 Hessen Area

8 day Group trip
Day 1 Hessen Area
Day 2 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 3 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 4 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 5 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 6 North Rhine Westphalia Area
Day 7 Hessen Area
Day 8 Hessen Area

How much money will this all cost?
Besides the cost of travel, you’ll need to arrange for airfare or transportation to the meeting point (Frankfurt Airport, FRA).
*Most Destinations include your drinks and food, so food costs during the trip are minimal.
Frankfurt International airport (FRA) offers more flights than any other airport in Germany, and prices are usually lower using FRA as your destination.

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