FKKTOUR shall only act as agents for the trip guests in making arrangements for air transportation, hotels and ground transportation. Neither party nor their agents assumes any liability whatsoever for injury, damages, death, loss, accident or delay to persons or property due to an act of negligence of or default of any hotel, carrier, or person rendering any of the services included in the trip, or by an act of God. Further, no responsibilities are accepted for any damage or delay due to sickness, pilferage, labor disputes, machinery breakdowns, quarantines, government restraints, weather or other causes. No, responsibility is accepted for any additional expenses, omissions, delays rerouting or acts of any government or authority. Payment for reservations shall constitute consent to all provisions and conditions. Trip members agree to obey all US Federal Laws and the laws of each and every jurisdiction in each and every country you pass through while on our trip. FKKTOUR and its staff have nothing to do with any sex or sexual activities that involve minors less than the legal age. FKKTOUR operates legally in all jurisdictions.